Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Synopsis #2 - The Frog the Toad

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

A frog and a toad are sitting on the side of a path. They are looking each other up and down, each of them convinced that they are much better looking than the other. After a while of preening, and showing off, they see a little girl walking along the path. As she gets near, the toad and the frog both puff out their chests for her, attempting to look better and more impressive than the other. The girl notices them, and screams "YEACHHHHHH!!!" She stomps on both the frog and the toad and takes off, running.

Light, Humorous

Frog - Smooth and green, medium build with large eyes and a slightly down-turned mouth. Long limbs. Looks pompous.
Toad - Small eyes, fatter than the frog, with a broad mouth and short limbs. Rough, bumpy brown skin. Looks bored.
Girl - About 7 years old, blond and wearing a simple dress.

Main action takes place on the side of a dirt path. Vegetation is all around. A small bridge is in the distance. The time of day is afternoon.

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